Regiune: Albania

The national anthem of Albania should be changed to Klevis Celaj's song : Mondi dhe Monda

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Petiția se adresează
The government
0 de susținere

Petiția a fost inchisa

0 de susținere

Petiția a fost inchisa

  1. A început noiembrie 2022
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. Terminat

We want a more meaningful and emotional anthem for our country Albania, and we have came up to the decision that the current anthem should be changed from the one it is right now, to the one we mentioned above!


This petition is going to have a very important role in everyone's lives, but especially Albanian people's lives. The new anthem will touch everyone's hearts as it has a very meaningful message behind is, which is the freedom and independence of Albania, for which have fought many people during the past and many people have sacrificed their lives for!

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