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Петиция адресована к
City of Vienna
11 481 Поддерживающий 9 879 через Вена
1975% из 500 для кворума
11 481 Поддерживающий 9 879 через Вена
1975% из 500 для кворума
  1. Начат 2021
  2. Еще сборов > 11 месяцев
  3. Подача
  4. Диалог с получателем
  5. Решение

Я согласен, что мои данные будут храниться . Я решаю, кто сможет увидеть мою поддержку. Я могу отозвать это согласие в любое время .


The campaign WESTBAHNPARK asks politicians and authorities involved in city planning to make the following project happen in Vienna's 15th District along Felberstraße near Vienna West Station: This unique and important area should become a public green space in the form of a linear park for everybody. Measuring 70.000 m2, we invision it stretching from Vienna West Station to Johnstraße and from Felberstraße all the way to the rail tracks with a passage towards the city and view to Vienna Woods. An urban space that is 1.2 kilometres long, climate friendly, socially benificial and which includes the world's longest swim lane.


Time has come for a new park in the midst of this dense city! More and more development projects and less green spaces lead to extreme conditions and an unhealthy environment to live in. Especially in districts like Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus which is extremely densley populated, has little open spaces and low average income. Climate friendly city planning is vital. This is why we call for a new park to be built at the last remaining available strip of land along Felberstraße.

Спасибо вам за поддержку, Initiative Westbahnpark из Wien
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  • Dear petition signatories,
    Dear Westbahnpark’ers!

    The time has come!
    We have been collecting since 2020 - 10,755 (and growing) committed supporters have since spoken out with their signatures calling for a linear park, an open landscape for everyone, a 1.2 km long, climate-friendly, socially acceptable urban space. Now, we are handing over this voting power to the city - so that the penny drops there too. We invite you all to the presentation of the results of the public participation on the Westbahn-site.

    The more than 3000 comments and many signatures are unanimous:
    100% want the Westbahnpark!
    0% want development on the site!

    Come to the performative press conference on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 3.30 pm at JO&JOE (Europaplatz... далее

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